What does Tantra mean? What is a Tantric Massage like?
Worship and touch for body and soul. The Original Tantra massage is much more than "just" a massage - it is a sensual whole body ritual that consciously and naturally includes the intimate area as part of the body.
*Tantra-Massage or Tantra-Massage TMV?
"TMV®" is a registered trade-mark of the professional association for certified tantric body-work and sexual health. "Tantra-Massage TMV®" or "Tantramassage TMV®" are different from other "tantric massages" due to compliance to TMV quality standards, eg. a certified basic-training and mandatory regular further education and trainings.
How Tantric Massage works
Many recipients of tantric massages indicate that they have never been touched as empathetic before. Others recount a lasting change in their attitude towards their body and their sexuality. Free of expectations, pressure and control you can encounter a new you. Boundaries disolve and your sense of time dwindles when you encounter a tantra-massage in the hands of an experienced masseuse. Old connotations of intimacy might change when you get to know your own body with newly honed and heightened senses. Devotion without sexual exchange and reciprocal touch lead to a state of acting without preconceived intention. Tantra-massage invites you to a deeper understanding of yourself.
We create a space of comfort and inspiration by using fragrances, candles and calm music. Your sensual journey through your own body is accompanied by experienced tantra practitioners.
It is very important to us that you can decide without any pressure how far you want to take the experience of a tantra-massage. We've made great experiences by combining a tantra-massage with a Blind Date.
What happens during a Tantra-Massage?
Authentic Tantra-massage is taught as part of a certified training and follows a meaningful process whose basic principles are the same every time:
- Preliminary talk
- Massage and ritual worship of the whole body
- Supporting breath and movement exercises
- Massage und revival of the pelvic floor
- respectful touch and massage of the private area
- Yoni-massage (for women)
- Lingam-massage (for men)
- Exploration and stimulation of the prostate for men (at least 2 hours massage time)
- Exploration and stimulation of the G-spot for women (at least 2 hours massage time)
- possible exploration of your own nature of lust
- Leaving space and time for cool down, relaxation and review.
Note: Beneficiary and giver of the massage are usually undressed.
Possible Add-ons for a Tantra-Massage:
- experience a massage together with your partner
- Learning and experiencing female ejaculation
- Dealing with premature ejaculation by exploring the "Points of no return"
- more options are available by visiting our sexual coaching page.
Experience your Tantric Massage with:
Our Conditions
You can book this offer for more than 1,5 hours, we recommend 2 hours - any additional 30 minutes cost another 50 Euros. The 4-hand Version can't be booked online - you need to call us for this. (All prices include VAT).
Additional Information about Tantra
- What is Tantra? A comprehensive article about the origin of the term.
- Neo-Tantra and Neo-Tantra in the West How Tantra-Massage developed and many interesting stations on the way to it.